Bronwyn Reid is a successful Business Owner, Mentor and Author. In this interview she explains why there has never been a better time for small businesses, in a post covid environment, to grow and become more successful by tapping into wide range of opportunities to work with big business and government.

Show Notes

@bronwynreid  is a Business Owner, Author and Mentor who specialises in helping small businesses connect with bigger players. The benefits for owners are enormous and opportunities plentiful in the current post-covid environment.

Her book is titled @SmallCompanyBigBusiness and it focuses on how small businesses can find, win, and retain big customers.

In our discussion we talk about the why and how small businesses should engage with larger businesses and government entities.  Bronwyn  covers;

  • why big businesses are increasingly interested in engaging with smaller businesses
  • how the COVID-19 pandemic brought about changes in the business landscape, including;
    • disruptions in supply chains, and a 
    • reevaluation of business practices
    • how this has created new opportunities for small businesses to engage with larger entities
  • tapping into government procurement opportunities and why Governments are showing more interest in working with local and small businesses
  • collaborations and joint ventures , and partnering with complementary businesses or experts in specific areas to access better opportunities and to increase success rates in winning contracts
  • exploring opportunities within their local council as many local governments have websites where they list tender opportunities
  • the databases and resources available for finding government procurement opportunities (refer to @bronwynreid, her website)
  • looking to cooperative and mutual ownership models as a way to support local communities and ensure businesses remain locally operated and owned
  • the value of continuous learning, networking, and seeking guidance from mentors and experts to navigate the ever-evolving business landscape

@kerrcapital @michaelkerr 

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