Making your regional or rural community more sustainable with a healthy, local small business eco-system. Business, and especially small business, is central to the ongoing sustainability and vitality of regional and rural communities. Getting it right requires a community-led, and 'whole of community' approach.

Show Notes

Business, and especially small business, is central to the ongoing sustainability and vitality of regional and rural communities. Getting it right requires a community-led, and 'whole of community' approach. 

Kerry Anderson  and @ruralentrepreneurs is an author, speaker, and facilitator. In 2018 she was named as one of Australia's Top 50 Regional Agents-for-Change. Her mission is to empower businesses, groups and communities to embrace change and take control of their own destiny.

Kerry champions the critical role business plays in regional and rural communities. She encourages a 'whole of community' approach in dealing with local businesses as a better way to ensure long-term viability for everyone in the community.

In this episode we talk about;

  • why you shouldn't put all your business eggs in the big business basket! Or put another way, why encouraging a strong, local, #smallbusiness eco-system is  a better, less risky strategy for the community
  • her approach to helping communities take control of their destiny, from working with school students, local community groups, local government as well as #smallbusinesses  
  • her current optimism for #smallbusiness in #regionalaustralia
  • what she has learned from studying how local communities engage with their local #smallbusinesses in the USA 
  • how learned innovation (from overcoming past challenges) will continue to help businesses adapt
  • the pathway to #selfemployment in #ruralandregionalaustralia by buying an existing business or starting a new one
  • why 'Entrepreneurship: It's Everybody's Business' the title of her 2016 book really sums it up  

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